Friday, December 31, 2010

the likely hood ness

1. a believer & follower
2. good listerner & sincere
3. respects & cares
4. Good in PR (can easily hang around & chat with anyone)
5. Compose (doesn't panic easily, capable in finding solution -> calm)
6. outlook -> clean
7. loves surprises
8. proactive

yeah...simple research. almost but different interest (haih...memanjang) tsk tsk tsk

Thursday, December 30, 2010

live life to the fullest with HIM

It has been a bz weeks back to hometown this time around...lots of activities.
Today, i did my was it? ok not much pain at all (i really meant it)...gosh...lots of "batu" need to really do cleaning in future now.

life has been pretty amazing good for lots of things happen can't be done without God's guidance & grace.
Just now, we have our carollers thanksgiving dinner, it was fun! looking at the old timers / married couple teasing & playing with each other...well, they should be. Unlike to UN married couple but over loving shows to other people (so unappropriate at all)

oh...i got my mini shopaholic book hehe...since i've finished the shapaholic & baby...althought quite expensive (double the price of normal books) but just love to read sophie's book.

and today, one of my friend is (i believe now) up in the air -> she's on her way to JAPAN!!!...for 2 weeks! so lucky she.

tomorrow, will having a small reunion with my KL church frens & in the evening, new year thanks giving with my family back in kampung. can't wait for it!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

do i long for it?

it has been awhile since i've away from some fren's activity (to be actuall near to 2 years)...mainly i don't feel comfortable with their attitude at some point (the way they talk -> boast, teased "hidden joke" etc). Rather i get mad with their behaviour while with them, i prefer away & do my own thing. i don't care what they think...i think by the way im out of their activities shows i don't like their activities. (drinking & lol like they own the world)

talk about one of my relatives who just moved in the house, well, i just let her see & feel what it is like...i'm not the type of person who tell my own experience until that person experience themselves. i know the risk is that the relative may not understand the right & wrong in spiritually (as she is still new to it) but that's part of the maturity...just hope the rest will know & understand...& more mature with their attitude. but anyhow, what's important their BOSS will mature in his 30s....fai ti fai ti grow up!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

updating resolution

ok...lets start what i've achieve for 2010
1. i start reads books ( a lot of them ) which i bought them (no borrow2 ya) for this year collection about 25 pcs - a pad on my back...will cont to read in 2011
2. lone ranger travel!!!! - yeap i did lone ranger travel to a new place (which was during my short trip to Langkawi) althought there's some bitter hiccup happens but it is an achievement / experience!! loike it
3. Oversea (finally i've chop on my passport)...well, supposedly to Yogya in Nov but sadly there's vocano the trip was cancel...but Thank God, there's another trip to PHUKET!! thailand with was fun learning experience there ;p
4. well, im still trying to get my driving license which tentatively going to take the test on 27 Dec!! wish me the best!!! only been on the road twice, on the track (for side parking, 3 point turning & little hill) twice...gosh...not easy as i hardly have enough training....hope i can catch up soon.

erm..i know, not much...but at least the most memorable things happen ;p eg. Amit Concert VVIP seat man, see lots of artist face to face eg. KRU, power root ambasador, DJ from fly & hot, dinner with farah & faizal (with bunch of bosses), teh tarik session with Dato Zam!! the CEO of the company, flying fox during RP team building, BF, 3D movie preview of TRON (okla...but i ter"sleep" too a few sec) just to name a few...

so for 2011, here's my resolution :
1. saving at least RM400 / month -> this im still having problem to solve it as now i don really have a real saving eg cash in hand
2. Oversea travelling again!!! i want it...lets plan it
3. lone ranger travelling let see where i want to go
4. constant bible reading in the morning & before sleep (need to catch up now)
5. Jog / any sports at least once a week / month (which not involving money investment pls)
6. Start children ministry class / training -> to gain more experience
7. Learn one skill class (still thinking what to take) -> master? still far away
8. To keep weight at 44-45, and this is when i need to do lots of item no 5. (don't look like an aunty)
9. drinks lots of water - 6 glass (eat less meat eg. chicken / fast food pls)
10. i want a companion!!! not urgent...but looking for no no lesbian don't worry. ;p not part of sodom

it is confirmed

confused & full of why????

why just can't be straight...Soo sayang betul.

hard to look at good looking & everything looks perfect in this society (advance) cos they prompt to be "not straight" haih.

don't want to look at it anymore...quite sad to think abt the society.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

for real?

just to get to know a fren of a fren. quite confused with d fren status of interest (male / female) sad kan...outlook seems so good aka almost dream guy & personality seems so great...but then (haha) discrimination here...just the feeling of such a waster of the supply :) hope it is not...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


oh no, my post here getting lesser & lesser each year!

nothing much to talk about...nothing interesting story to tell...but funny thing, i feel that this year is the best year & age i've ever experience! but just too norm to tell. maybe less think about unnecessary things / unimportant conflict *always try to see things in positive ways* & better work process *no more unnecessary long U turn job / not clear instruction / let alone clear the mess - at least there's some1 who take their responsibilities...

cont gambate

Thursday, December 9, 2010


yesterday, feeling terribly tired...Thank God there's a drink call kacip fatimah to keep me up (not having my lunch break) rushing up to meet deadlines. tired

having a blast during 4 days 3 night media training (actually 1 day training) it is so much fun!
and it was my 1st trip oversea...hehe...sort of my wish came true for this year ;p

arrive early in the airport - just don't want the "event" happen again....but then still get our names to be call out during boarding time as i was accompany my friends for money exchange. Thank God, we have a tour leader waiting for us...if not, for sure the flight go off without us. ;p The flights takes just about the same time duration as from KL to KCH. but surprisingly the stewardess don't have enough time to distribute the prebook meal ? my frens who sits at the back rows don't have enough time to finish up their meals (for real!!)

we got to visit pearl factory, kacang factory, temples, restaurants, hills, sea kayaking, shows...just so much fun!! what i love the most, 5 star hotel it just so WOW!

besides get to watch some agua (nice leg though -> jeles i) get to see some loh jing jing too ;p

like this LJJ...very compose & baby face...and to make some controversy -> LJJ the one who broke part of my luggage!! no lah, just joking, it nice enough LJJ help me to pick down the luggage. have a nice little chit chat with LJJ at pearl factory. but then since im need to jaga water face, so not going to be so close...takut kena ejek ma...but from 1st impression, i do like LJJ -> the way he listen to people's conversation & get along with other people.

wahh...if only i can find a calon like that...i would love too. ;p haha...sound so, im not eager for LJJ....Just the thought of having BF like LJJ, sounds interesting ;p...haih better stop dreaming here...overall, to summarize it all, i love the trip & the memories ;p

Monday, October 25, 2010

aku betul2 hungry

huhuu...terribly hungry right now...i need FOOD.
still thinking what to eat for dinner? fast food? rice? Mee? sien dono what's best for dinner...if i go for fast food-> not really good for health..but terribly love the chips & i hvt try the blackpepper chicken burger (mcd)
i tink go for little taiwan not far from office...see what's nice...for sure go for rice...cos the mee which they have all in soup...not really good at eating mee soup except laksa sarawak.

wahhhh!!! so so hungry

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

latest from me has been abt 2 months? i hvt update anything here?

nothing much to update anyway...but just some:

1. i've changed to new department > doin report consolidation, performance tracking, brand health. *so far that's what i've been doin*
2. old housemate moved out & new one coming in > good news! i have no idea abt the movement at all...that's so great so i never need to KESAH abt the house anymore & easier for me to get out from the house when opportunity comes. since NO body KESAH to tell. just that i KESAH when im no around the house, they also without KESAH inform me they "borrow" my room for their frens (shouldn't i KESAH? since i pay for the room) if there's someone coming, i'll inform in advance. never did like what has happen.what do you feel....

when i already frustrated with something, i'll no longer have to feel to KESAH abt what's happening.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

do you enjoy your work?

i don't enjoy my work at all!

i feel like i'm the job collector of the team, should the job scope is not interesting / fun / complicated they will pass it to me...

i've try to run away / get away from the team...hv meet another team leader...but still i'm still stuck here...i wished to go else where & do new things

Thursday, July 15, 2010

new housemates / new work environment soon?!?

the title tells it all !!!

by next week, the house which currently only resided by 2 ppl now will become 4!!
i'll still fix at the room i am...still prefer to stay current housemate will be moving to the 3rd room...while the master will be for the 2 new housemates...Hope that we can stay in good terms as i've been experience with my current housemate.

nothing much about that...

what i'm worried more is going to do new work!!!! under new sien aaa
but still not confirm yet...but sound like it...since i hear some kabar angin ....
i'm worried, because working under new group Group...maybe it is hard to get leave...which is an important matters for me as i need to take at least 1 week holiday back to hometown with family...if this doesn't happen...i have no idea. Dear Lord, please help me so that i can get a job which does not require me to have meetings at night, a bos which understands me & guide me, a job which does not require me to stay on work on holidays, & most importantly a work which allowed me to take leave!!


Monday, July 12, 2010

coming up

for almost 1 week, i've been coughing..(belum jumpa doc) it is still ok...since i've already having my heavy flu (to keluarkan hingus / kahak) i think should be fine soon.

today, after the WC (finally)...lots of bosses on MC today for 2 days...akai...having difficulty to get sign off & approval. Thank God my bos still ok to reply sms / calls plus very helpful teams around. now...i longing for a holiday pulak...dat will be in early august for my cousin's convo & mid august for my parent is COMING!!! yahooo~~~

now...i'm still looking for hotel for my parents...dis 1 still ok cos can credit 1st...but the restaurant i'm having difficulty to find one..need to ask around real soon...huhu....Dear Lord, show me thy way

Thursday, July 8, 2010

another restructuring...haih

yesterday, our new big officer requested my whole unit to join a discussion....every one in the team was so kam for me, i tink among them i'm the only one who is 1st time meeting the big officer...which i don't take it so "kam jiong" as i don't tink my view is needed plus previously hv so not good impression abt a few weeks ago (not talking abt dat)...

so, there we are, take our seat at the meeting room...n my 1st time meeting her. she starts to explain her plan for the next 4 to "wisely" spent the $ comparing to her previous company...explaining how the future plan that she wants everyone to work out...and the most "tragic" is that my unit function will be transfer back to Group...with this merger, it will be 2 condition - your workload will be more (as you no more doin the same thing) & 2ndly, you may not require in the new group...basically her plan is to have "shrinking plan".

after the meeting, i get to know that all the managers are all so not quite happy / certain what will be the basically it is still under management planning. but i believe once it said it will be done. i'm not that keen to be in group...1 thing is in group it seems to have you will be in your own world...unlike the division i'm with, everyone is link to each together.

i have no idea abt my post after this....haih...what my thinking abt the structure...basically everything is back to the 2 years ago structure again...don't take us as an experiment thingy pls....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

my carnation DIY bouquet - Mother's day

i'll let the pic tells it all


Monday, May 17, 2010

the day...and how i get through it

for the past years, i've never have enjoy to think / get through my date of my birth...which was on the 14th...

as normal, usually on 13th, the media will usually highlight abt the black history in our country...but looking back, it has been an incident in disguise, if not, for sure we're still living in chaos...

talk abt the 14th, i still remember last year, how i was all alone at home (got no plan, housemates away from town, it's a working day) sien terrible feeling it was. And it makes me think of how previous years i get to celebrate my bday with my old frend FJ together...hmmm

Because of that i've decided this year, im not going to wait for people planning for me. So, i've make my own planning for my bday (all by myself) which i plan it just last week (put my booking on 7 May) basically the accomodation + flight + local transport from / to airport - hotel (including tax) + 3 days breakfast = RM365 (Langkawi)

why i went there all alone & celebrate the bday all by myself?
Reason #1 : Just want to have something special / treat for myself (hey, it's my bday why NOT)
Reason #2 : I've been longing for a short holiday locally in Malaysia (there's no plan / offering from ANYONE)
Reason #3 : The package is cheap for short weekend getaway
Reason #4 : i make better choice / decision abt myself better by my own (if i tag anybody along, for sure lots of discussion involve- malas to go through that kind of situation)
Reason #5 : it's something new for me to travel lone ranger (it's different with outstation for work relates) this is a holiday get away, make ur own arrangement & things like dat... some experience i gain (wink)

but there is some incident happening at the airport (which is total devastationg for me!!)
1st, my flight is on 7pm...but since i couldn't get out from the office on time, i've expected to missed the i bought another flight which cost me additional RM250 (not inclusive the above package price) hmm so i've make my way to the boarding hall for the time to boarding...but as i wait, i was surprise, why there's no announcement of the boarding of the flight which i supposed to take flight suppose to depart by 915pm..abt 9pm i went to ask the "gate keeper" he says the flight has gone, all passenger has boarding...i was like (What!! I did not hear any announcement of the boarding, and the most important, even if im late, there's should be announcement of my name...but i did not hear any)...i was so upset & frustrated...when i pass through the screening police, they are surprise, i just told them i've been told i missed my im still in my full blast outrage..i went to the service counter & COMPLAINT!!!! usual, they will "protect" themselves saying it is their procedure to make final calls for passenger who are yet board the flight BLA BLA i say, what can you do for me? i really did not hear any announcement at all.
but honestly, they need to upgrade their sound system is SO BAD, the lady voice is so tiny miny, while the male voice just so ROUGH on the microphone..(after all, i'm not walking else where) so cut the story short, he say he offer "1/2 price" of RM160 of morning ticket (since the 915pm flight is the last flight) ...i'm having hard time to decide, if i decided not going, i'll missed all my prebooked plan & what's the at the end, i book the ticket, set myself not to "deaf" my i have to stay over at the airport...which has limited facilities (now u know which airport im mentioning)...can't really have a good sleep at all, just the shopoholic ties the knot + FJ bday calls accompany me...

will update abt my overall trip experience at langkawi in next update...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


just recall last sunday, while i was with the kids...over heard their conversation...while we are doing our activity

Kid A : Teacher....
Me : Ya?
Kid A : i need to complaint to my mother about my dress...the button keep on detached.
Me : ha? (while looking her back, most of her button is not attached)...let me help you button it up


Kid B : you fat already la...dats y the button cant attached
Kid A: No la, the dress is too small...

(while i'm silently & in the same time giggling with their remarks)...

kids, now adays so good with alasan.

have to ... need to

i have to ... i need to

i have to escape prayer meeting yesterday as i need to have my rest (headace & not feeling well)
i have to stay in bed even its 7:30am (today) as i need to have my extra rest...gosh, i still can imagine & feel my laziness this morning

yesterday, i reach home around 7pm yesterday...decided not going for prayer meeting as im x feeling well (my eyes like have been stick to the pc for ages)...i went to bed early yesterday (maybe around 8pm i've doose off) but eventually i terwake up around mid nite but then (Thankfully) i've doose back until this morning (gosh...can imagine how tired & sleepy i was)

Tonight, goin to tick my to do/bring list...why no feeling rite now? zero nil feeling at all (now, dats weird)

Monday, May 10, 2010

why there's no ME!?

i just get back my stuff ....

when i look through it, i just notice there's nothing of any visual of me...unless i took it myself...

why never thought abt me? while im just next to the wall (just the opposite?) yesterday?

that's why other people are always all out (to be direct -> famous) as everywhere have their visual in it...which mostly never thought of include me in it.

well...dats wat we call "some friends are for" & im part of the "some friends" who never need to care abt even though we usually hang around.

next to joy, i prefer make my own way, take my own, post of my own...since no one care abt *my own

what happens around?

just some update of my recent encounters...
1. i've been wondering what to do for the sunday school...since this week was mother's day celebration, trying hard to think what to decided to do carnation (with the old time style of using tissue paper)...i'll put the visual how's the process going on...but on the real hands on with the was quite hectic since the i'm the only person who deal with the kids while d others continue with their other ministry...the kids carnation x turn out with as what i've they have limited time to do the rest...supposed they should have done 3 more carnations but then...(huhu) time limitation...and supposed so i get to take picture with them on the carnation making...but sadly i was "handicap" to deal with all of them...let alone cleaning up all the mess (hmmm)

2. get to know a new friend...just 2 few sharing moments, yesterday i've received a book from her...title "Heaven is so real" which she says has open her heart to revisit the Lord in her life...i'm so she's so on fire to share the word of God till she bought a new one & give it to me...Dear Lord, pray that one day (soon at Your perfect timing) her husband will open up his heart to you as well...i've read almost 1/2 of the book since i got it yesterday...the most touching moment for me, is when choo was brought by God to the beach, and she saw the sea become all red in color, the Lord says it is HIS blood that He shed to cleanse our human sins...can u imagine how deep & wide is the sea like there's no end...that's how our God's love to us human (to those who know Him, & also to those who x know Him)

3. just received an email today...not so that person can reply an email to all members with the ending "lantak ja la" or in other wats "suit you self" / watever~~ manner...i just delete right away the this person is so ego. im not going to involve with this attitude, i only pray...hopefully those ppl who involve in this project will be transform, being mature in the presence of God...that is why, i can't really get a long with them anymore...even have a short chitchat makes me think they have something to boombash ppl in "soft manner" i pun "lantak jak la" with this people (in a sense that, they do what they do, but i'll continue to pray for them while in the mean time don't have the eager to tell them on the face, since they are better than anyone else) -well this is the not so encouranging part of me this 7 days

4. i bought 3 english novels (one regarding how a teacher deals with difficult children ei learning disabilities, autism, 2nd book, shopcoholic tied the knot from what i read it sympnosis, it's a funny novel, 3rd is mitch albom's novel, 5 ppl you meet in heaven) ...i've almost finished the teacher's book...quite nice...especially it tells the story how she dealt with the kids.

5. Now, still capturing reviews & getting plans how this things* going on ...will update on that soonest...well basically next week

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Things to bring for a short gateway

1. Sun Glass + sun block lotion
2. my crocs (will be d 1 & only)
3. tshirts - 4 pcs
4. Cap / Hat
5. Short pants + 1 jeans + 1 long pyjama pants
6. undies & updies
7. camera (a must!)
8. cable & chargers
9. enough bling2
10. my list of good eating place & to do list

- and that's all will do ;p -

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

how FB connects me with others

i'm grateful with the invention of technologies (with the knowledge given by our Lord to human)...lot's of things have been made easier & also there are some can be complicated...

what i like abt the internet technology is the social network websites such as friendster & facebook whereby it gets me in contact with long lost friends & relatives as well..previously for friendster i get to accept some who i don't have any idea who they are...but since i have an account with fb, i only accept friends which i've know personally & im fond with...a NO NO to those i hardly talked to.

yesterday, a contact have put a request in fb, i was like...i think i've heard this name before...but i can't recalled who...when i look into the picture...then & there i get to know it is my former teacher back in form 6...which was 8 years ago? gosh, how time flies~ she still the sweet looking teacher as i've 1st get to know her. Now, she's in australia (i think migrate) i wished i have that priviledge to be at other place (but provided with my family tag along with me) ...with my current situation being away from family, lots of time can be very boring though...

im glad & im happy to see lots of friends from these website...get to know each other's update...just love it. But still, i'm relunctant to add my colleagues in my page though...just don't want any gossips of personal matters in office that's all...

Monday, May 3, 2010

"pelayanan" yang sia-sia

"pelayanan" yang sia-sia -> pengkritik, penghasut, pengadu (complainers) .. semuanya mengwujudkan suasana negatism di mana apa pun perkara yang tidak baik, ianya dititikberatkan & dihighlight...seolah-olah hanya itu sahaja yg patut diperbincangkan.

Mungkin ada diantara kita manusia, dalam keseronokan mengutuk, memperlekehkan orang lain (yg paling menyedihkan di kalangan pelayan-pelayan Tuhan). Anda mungkin secara "tidak sengaja" menjatuhkan orang lain yg terdengar...mungkin orang yg mendengar itu bukan yg anda kutuk secara langsung...namun mereka tentunya berfikir & berkata "oh...begini rupanya pengikut Tuhan..." itulah kesaksian yang kita tunjukkan kpd orang lain...betapa menyedihkan ianya diperdengarkan oleh anak-anak Tuhan yang sedang membangun. Saat kita melihat, membincang & mempertikai sesuatu tentang rakan-rakan sepelayan...fikirkan dahulu apa pandangan Tuhan ttg perbincangan kita itu? Adakah DIA akan bangga dengan apa yg dibincangkan?...Tentu TIDAK!

Melalui Rasul St Paul kpd jemaat di Efesus, 4:29 beliau menasihat jemaat pada zaman itu (tentunya ianya masih relevan bagi zaman ini & akan dtg juga) menyatakan ttg perbuatan sia-sia ini. Selagi kita masih mengamalkan / melakukan perbuatan begini...ternyata kita bukan lah manusia baru dalalm Kristus, tetapi manusia sudah BASI...

Nyata menyedihkan kerana rata-rata di mana kita berada, kita sering berjumpa / terserempak & sama-sama melayani dengan "kita-kita" yang sebegini....mungkin kita menyalahkan perwatakan semula jadi mereka yang sememangnya selama ini seorang yang lantang bersuara?!?...menyalahkan pekerja mereka sememangnya memerlukan mereka menilai?! ...ya! memang tidak salah bagi kita untuk lantang bersuara spt Petrus & Yohanes pada zaman awal gereja bertumbuh (Rujuk kepada Kisah Para Rasul)..tetapi mereka bersuara dgn pimpinan Roh Kudus & menyatakan sesuatu yang membangunkan orang lain secara positif & bukannya meletakkan status orang yang sedang "diperbetulkan" pada tahap yang paling rendah sekali. Jika kita menilai cara mereka bersuara tentunya bukan dengan kekerasan (maki hamun) / memerli para Imam Agung...tetapi berulang kali menyatakan ttg kasih karunia Kristus...Jadi apakah begitu "kita-kita" semasa kita menyatakan pandangan?!...Kita juga tidak salah utk menilai kerana sejak zaman Adam lagi...manusia diberi peluang / pilihan utk menilai...namun apakah kebaikannya kita menilai keburukan keadaan & manusia? Waspadalah...saat kita menilai keburukan orang lain, sebenarnya kita sedang menghukumi mereka...kita tahu siapa yang lebih layak menghukum jikalau bukan Tuhan Yesus Kristus sendiri. Satu lagi...harus kita berhati-hati dalam penilaian, kerana penilaian buruk memusnahkan manusia sendiri (semasa Tuhan Yesus dikhianati & dibawa kepada Raja Pontius). Berperasangka buruk terus akan mewujudkan benteng di kalangan jemaat terutamanya di kalangan pelayan & pemimpin. Kurangkan berkata kotor dalam kehidupan kita...aplikasinya cuba kita tidak bercakap buruk / kotor utk tempoh 1 minggu & lihat apa yg berlaku...tentunya kehidupan anda lebih indah daripada pencemaran-pencemaran kata2 ini...

Mari kita berdoa agar pemikiran kita serupa seperti Tuhan Yesus Kristus, percakapan mengikut kehendak Roh Kudus & hidup penuh dgn kepimpinaan Roh Kudus utk kemuliaan Nya dan juga pembangunan rohani saudara-saudari seiman selain menjadi pembukan mata hati mereka yang belum mengenali Tuhan Allah Yesus Kristus kita. Amen.

Monday, April 26, 2010

wohoo~~...4 weeks from now i'll be back

i'm so so can't wait for the next 4 weeks to come...i'll be home soon...see new environment @ home!
i can't wait to get on hand with my gadget, going to dress it well as cool as it can be...huhu

yesterday, me & my frens have make a special planning for a surprise bday bash for one of our must be a surprise party as what we've did for other clicks (successfully indeed) & we're happy that yesterday's was also a success event as well....Thank you Lord!

best part of it, the food that we have that night was KFC ( few pcs of discount voucher from my colleague so overall we've save abt RM11 for the meal !!) just nice as some of the friends hvt took their dinner yet. Just to recap yesterday event, the 4 of us including the bday girl went back to ros house 1st..while the rest goes back as per normal routine...but actually the 3 of them went to pick up the KFC meal. So, back at home, we act as normal, chit chat & watching TV...get one of the friend to hv longer bath just to make sure the trio get back in time with the abt 1 hour later, the trio arrive & waiting outside of the house...while the bday girl still in the room get ready for a bath, i let the trio get into the house at 1st hiding in the kitchen, later since it is too warm & no place to sit, so they quickly move to one of the can imagine how frantic the situation as we afraid the bday girl came out from the once every one is in place, i light on the candles...been waiting abt 5 mins, but still no sign of her came out (the candle especially the small ones was melting so quickly..!!) finally one of the click call out the bday girl, saying she needs her help as she came near the living room...walaaa~~ can see the surprise look on her & also affirmatively touched with the again a SUCCESS!!

that night it self, 2 of our clicks make their declaration of their new status / their in relationship :) so happy to hear that!!'s good to have this, as this is when we pray for them & hope for the best in their relationship...hmmm...hopefully, our friendship will continue as close as currently is...hopefully

Monday, April 19, 2010

what a charmer

met this dude 2 weeks ago during expected event but unexpected situation. At 1st glance, there's nothing much that excite when we met & introduce each other. But anyhow, i was impressed with the joke he made...serious look but wallaa a joker as well

basically we never met each other before, but surprisingly on the 2nd & 3rd time we met, this dude can relate me with who & to observation/spy indeed

well this dude really a charmer, cheeky smile, not forgetting the jokes. Always having this smthing in his lines which really buat geram...

NO...don't worry, i'm not into this dude at all & this dude also not into me as well, just it has been this dude style of approaching a friend...on the other hand, this dude reminds me of a friend zillion years ago

Monday, April 12, 2010

when i felt a lil annoyed

i believe most human will felt annoyed somehow of what happening surrounds do i sometime...

i don't appreciate if people when they think/act they are very busy they can just act & treat us as if we're not doing anything / not helping them...

another way, they can just ignore us when they have their new group of friends...not even realised who has been there to support them....ignorance ignorance...

the word / the phrase they use when they if we're playing around with them....if i'm not thinking that we're friends....i would long time ago make a BIG buzzz abt careful with what you say...& pls be sensitive with your friends...if you expect ppl to be sensitive with your needs & wants...others also requires the same...

im not a robot...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

sleepylish me

ayoyo~~this 2 weeks it has been tired days for me...1 thing last week, i was having my sure it was tiring week for me...2ndly, there was so many event/gathering happening.
1. luvan's bday...
2. Gift hunting day + Good Friday cum Renie's birthday (i'm on leave ;p)
3. sewing day + wrapping gift day
4. Easter Day
5. Prayer meeting + Abeng's bday
6. Recording + iTalk W$oa party @ Borneo Sunway

prior to those event, was very busy thinking about the be honest lots of my normal daily work at office have been pending due to this...gosh...hopefully no one notice....opps!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

cihit bihit aku

aduh nda nemu nama hal dua tiga hari tuk ka udah, slalu ndar cihit bihit....sensitif ngau kesejukan...mimit kena kipas terus perut memulas ka bihak....soft diet la minggu tuk

Monday, February 22, 2010

why la they...

yesterday, i was thinking abt of certain matters arising recently...abt human's attitude (normal la tu) reviewing this & that....

thinking abt the attitude of not boastful & arrogance. As if what they do really make things matters a lot. There are other people who can do better. Just because they are old timers, lots of supporters (which i tak kesah pun), lots of $$ (to be charitable to their supporters) sounds very like politician rite? well, i think they can make a good "politician' sad to hear that, in a gathering / discussion they can "softly" commenting/ or to be straightforward sarcastically "complementing" others...well, for other people you guys look great la (pls kindly flashback your own word, is it an honest complementary comments or what) this makes me feel so kecewa with im not being "hypocrite" to them...not talking / gathering much with them anymore...since each of the word that came out of their mouth is so "blessing" others. Just simple example, after you came back from some gathering, on the way home, you heard complaints / comments "not positive" abt the activities which have been done (by some individual or group), what does the impact done to you? -> for me, after i hear their comments i feel like the gathering / activities which we've joined is useless for them...i'm not felt bless with their comments (that's why i slowly away with their gathering until today)..sorry, i can't anymore...too dissapointing

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the updates tiring weekend & holiday for feel very tired this morning. body sore...little headache & my eyes -> open widely 'highlight' pls....

Thank God...though me & my friends don't really have a real plan holiday, but we still enjoy our time...on the 1st day of CNY, that night we went to time square...1st we go for 2 rounds of bowling...then went to jln Alor..Thank God, there's chinese stalls still open...i have my hokkien mee which cost me RM9 (still ok) but my friend's meal (char siew yok & duck - cost RM10, porridge - RM8) which normal cost around RM4.50 - char siew yok & duck & RM3 - porridge....wah wah...see? so mahal giler

next day evening, we went to bangsar for lunch / dinner (western food) just behind bangsar village. That day it is our 1st trip on rurise's car...Feel grateful, if it is not because his car, i don't think we can go as far as balakong to the has been a great trip, to the zoo, game zone, eat & again bowling...(well, i've improved my points now)...hehe...

yesterday, we didn't go anywhere...too tired. just layback at home...watching tv & sleep...& yesterday, we went to church for prayer meeting. It has been a nice gathering ....i so loved it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

the V day

weee~~~~~we're still planning what to do after gonna watch the Valentine's Day

thought of going to IKEA...mmg sot de...but it's fun to see those furniture...mana tau ada furniture yang tersangkut, credit card jer... "latest statement from one of our friend"

but this friday, we're going to our friend's house to celebrate his birthday. he's inviting us..but we as usual suka buli kawan buat dono & buat2 got other activities...wakkakaka...dgn muka sedih (kononnya minta simpati)...watever...

yesterday, my friend ( still wondering & guessing about the status) she suggest to buy him a bouquet for his birthday, siap with flower, ballon & chocholate!!!! thoughtful....not in my mind at all to buy a guy this kind of gift...but yalah, his birthday & name fall on V understands her "good" intentions...wahahaha...shall wait and see wat will happen...even though the gift is shared...but the thought is not from us...wakakaka... this friday, no need to give alasan for not joining great!! so long~~~

get ready with gifts & parcels for your Vday...cant wait to see what it looks like when he brings those things back home with those baloon...some more he's using public funny!!!

mayau or no mayau

yesterday, after came back from church, the 3 of us (i, rose & git) went to have a look of a room at block a...
when we reach, we can see beautiful scenery of klcc & kl tower from the walking balcony (looks cool)...even though the walking balcony not so ceria like my friend's.

this my 1st meeting with the house owner, she looks friendly, sesuai with her profession as lecturer. walk in...the house is furnished, then we saw the mayau...cute furry mayau...(i tell later about that)

i went to have a look at the is spacious, almost the same size with my current room, with purple wallcolor (cun cun it's one of my fav color) far for me the room is ok. the house is furnished with kitchen utensil *light cooking though*, washing machine, furniture far it looks ok...

then...we have a chit chat with her about the house, about her difficulty looking for a housemate *non laut specifically*, while we chatting, i notice (actually not just me) the furry bulu of the mayau floating around...i was thinking, ayoyo, how's rose going to cope with this as she's have nose problem ... well, what slack about the house is basically the floating flying furry bulu around, since the owner did not open the sliding door (afraid the mayau do suicide) well i understand that...mmg the mayau is so cute but the thought of the bulu makes the point going down a little bit...

well...after the visit, i felt like there's something in my throat (feels as if the mayau bulu is inside my throat) ...erk....basically after we came out of the house, each of us check the bulu which melekat on our shirts.....haih...dim shim lei...go o no go?

yesterday, was not quite happy with the HM...they know they will having ppl around the house, and has plannig to have one of them to sleep at my crib...they should have ask permission 1st..i don't mind for people to stay / slept over any place of the house / even on my bed...just that at least they tell me 1st so that i can clean up the place nicely...i did clean up my room...just there are some of my things was place somewhere around the room should they put up another bed there...hmmm..its not the 1st time, during my absence for new year holiday, they also been someone stay over at my kecewa...makes me so uncomfortable...feels im not part of the house anymore even though i play my part pay the rental as well.

this urge me to look for room even faster....sadly to think of looks like the softer way to tell me to get out of the house....don't worry i will before middle of the year. thank you very much.

Monday, February 1, 2010

boring mai...buruk

sarituk...federal!! what a boring holiday, semua mharapkan masing2 ngadu program for the geng...don't ask me about where to guys lagi lama in KL more then 6 years still cant tink of where to for that reason, i make my own personal plan alone lah...better. Dont need to think / hear ppl's rasa was-was of their plan etc...lelak with indecisive people.

now, i really need to plan for my cny holiday start from now, if not it will be wasted holiday like today.

recently, i was attracted with krabi island picture it looks nice....let say if im not planning for out of malaysia's vacation..then my 2nd choice would be pulau perhentian then. i know i cant swim so it will be wasted if i don't do snorkeling & etc...takpe...rancang jer...

any how..see how it goes

Monday, January 25, 2010

hmmm....the thought of it currently (today) so so very the $ & need to pinjam around for my lunch...can't wait for the pay day to i missed my babs which i didn't finished up...i notice the past 2 meals have been extremely licin...(good sign) kononnya

it has been normal week. with work on weekdays.

last friday, i hv no intention to joined their gc at all...because the thought the next day, they will be going for their HIGH event & selling those things...just kills my mood to joined them. Thank God, my friend invite to accompany her to buy items / grocery to the next i decided to joined least it is more beneficial rather than listening to "orang hebat" show off thier HIGH event. at least im helping my friend to make call for the food booking & others...not groaning & not feeling rite about everything should i joined with their gc. So annoying how these human so bangga diri show off how they jadi casher in a pub / wat so ever job they do there till wee hour...God see what you do.

based on yesterday meeting, i'll be part of the team...will holding a small portfolio (which we still yet to know) some of them says will be handling Sunday School...for me, what ever it is, will try to do the best...not to take these as just a responsibilities / job...but a way for us to approched more ppl / touch their lives to get to know Christ.

Monday, January 18, 2010

after 2 weeks

yeap....happy belated new year...

This also marks my 2 weeks of was it? tiring but not as tired as last month / last year...better...since my so called "good" assitant is back from maternity...very "helpful" ever since she's back...not going to do her work anymore...BAGUS

last week, we having another gc...which to be honest, im relunctant to join. I rather have a meeting with a new friend of mine than go back early for it. talking abt my new friend...well, she's a friend of my friend. Just starts her carrier in kl which so cun cun same building with me! i'm actually helping her to find a "crib" near our working place...currently still hvt found the 'crib' yet...hopefully she can get 1 soon...soon...

that night...i was pissed off, i just came back from the meeting, then when i just arrived, this human think his 'so clever' say out loud "makan la babi"...helo!!! who you calling babi....superbly 'clever' dude indeed...not suprise if im lost respect to this type of human (at least i still consider him as human). aside that, superbly "humble" by saying this statement..."it's just basic...every1 should know (or in other word, itu pun tak tau ka)" <- show off that he's the great 1....then...i found out that they having an event soon which is so CUN CUN clash with our upcoming cec activity...i knew, when they making some gathering / wat so ever event / activity...nvr really interest me + not im proud of either...they will having BEER & Stronger Alcholic drinks drive this saturday!!! <-- good indeed rite for some1 who claim himselves as consoler to the youth / some1 who walk the talk (ya rite!) well...wat ever, they are well OLD enough to know what is good & wat is bad...boleh jadi bapa mak org all of pikir la sendiri
(pissed off & wished i could tell our leader about it...but thinking, they are old enough to know of what they do)

i want to get a new crib soon....asap....huhu