Wednesday, September 23, 2009

looking for food

for the past 3 days, i've been munching / eating & chewing food...guess my appetite so beyond my normal tank....

today, 1st day of work after long holidays...out of 40+ colleagues, today, only 5 of us here....
talking about food, it reminds me of a 1/2 japanese 1/2 western food (dat's wat i think) which me & my friend lichyn when to last calls Pasta Zanmai....actually, that day after work, we've been walking around OU for almost 1/2 hours looking for a good restaurant for a nice dinner...till we found this small size retail shop, displaying/selling japanese food...since both of us looking for special / unsual food (not looking for any fast food eg. kfc, mcd, nasi lemak etc) so we decided to choose Pasta Zanmai although the price is quite expensive compare to the normal restaurant (why not try, skali skala kan)...i choose pasta + soft shell crab (RM26+), while my friend choose eel (both of it superbly sedap...cukup it is worth i usually will have some left over on my plate but that night...superbly hampir2 licin...would love to suggest Pasta Zanmai to my friends who have no idea what to eat but don't mind to spend a lil mit more for a good food...try Pasta Zanmai...but considering the size of the serving...its worth it...believe me

well, i'm not being payed by the restaurant for this food review, but since it is good why not we share / do some promo rite? Thank you Lord for the lovely food & giving them the wisdom to design such lovely food...

Friday, September 18, 2009

DIY Earings

Picture taken from feyhandmade online shop...isn't it nice?

very unique earings...

how to?
- do you have any unwanted / outdated earings?
- can just buy d fabric (ala2 baju kebaya yg banyak2 lobang itu) baju draw ko sida yo...can just cut it from there....
- then, pandai2 la u sambung you old earings with the fabric...

;p cute rite...

looking for perfection

yesterday, we have our rehearsal for upcoming event this week and my friends have a discussion on certain issue arrising throughout the preparation (luahan hati)....ya, its normal that some of things which make us down...kecewa / dissapointed etc...ya, at this peak hours, it's not about complaining...but it's good to share our burden with each other...and in a way, to advice & give positive support to each other that God has His own special way which is beyond our worldly mind.

Maybe we're too looking for perfection in doing things...but we forgot that we're not a perfectionist, the only perfectionist in this world / universe, is the Lord Himself. thinking & worried too much until we forgot there's some1 is there for us...

Friday, September 11, 2009


Bacaan : Amsal 17:15-20
Suatu hari, Anto didatangi sahabat karibnya. Mau pinjam $$. Sebenarnya Anto keberatan, tetapi sukar menolak. Akhirnya ia memberi pinjaman. Ketika utang itu tak kunjung dibayar, Anto tidak berani menagih. Lagi-lagi karena sukar!
Sukar adalah paduan rasa enggan, segan, malu bercampur hormat, yang membuat kita tidak berani berterus-terang. Kita jadi tidak jujur pada sesama dan diri sendiri. Berkata "ya" padahal "tidak", atau sebaliknya. Di mulut memuji, di hati memaki. Gara-gara sukar, yang salah dibiarkan; yang benar tidak dibela; yang tidak betul dipertahankan. Kita sulit mengambil tindakan tegas.
Rasa sukar bukanlah sikap kristiani. Alkitab mengajar kita berkata jujur dan tulus. Apa adanya. Menghormati orang bukan berarti harus selalu setuju dan mendukung tindakannya, termasuk tindakan yang fasik (ayat 15). Sikap demikian justru termasuk "serong hati" atau "memutar-mutar lidah" (ayat 20). Tuhan memandangnya sebagai kekejian! Jika kita sungguh hormat dan cinta pada seseorang, pasti kita berani menegurnya dalam kasih. Tidak berpura-pura baik, seperti lawan yang mencium berlimpah-limpah (Amsal 27:6). Seorang sahabat menaruh kasih tiap waktu (ayat 17), dan kasih tidak suka kepalsuan, tetapi cinta kebenaran (1 Korintus 13:6).
Budaya sukar jangan dipelihara. Ia membuat kita menjadi terlihat halus, tetapi tidak tulus. Terlihat ramah padahal pemarah. Mulai sekarang, mari bersikap apa adanya. Bukankah kita bisa bicara jujur tanpa menjadi kasar? Atau, menyatakan ketidaksetujuan tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat dan kasih? -JTI



Thursday, September 3, 2009

ko aku

The journey....
it has been very interesting week for me....last week i was so excited of going to gempuru besai iban @ kemaman (29-31 august)...personally i do learn something new during that 3 days, especially in our prayer gathering & sharing between each of us. Most of us have the "bebanan" the urge to pray for our community - the we can see there still lots of field which yet to be yield...some of us still misunderstand of the meaning of praise & worship...not about bringing the people to dance to your music but to bring them into the worship & feel the presence of God. Anyhow, i'm glad & love the presentation done by Kok Lanas, Kelantan - "meruan ku ngenang".

The sharing....
Paling ngerindu aku sepanjai gempuru tuk, ya nyak sharing ari bala kaban kami PBM. Masalah family sida ya ka mayuh bedau nerima / ngelala Tuhan...bakani halangan / cobaan di asai sida ya ari family ka halang / ngelesei ka pelayanan sida....asai berat ati aku ka ninga ya...Puji Tuhan laban apai indai & menyadi aku ngelala Tuhan, tang aku kasih tekenang ka uncle auntie (menyadi apai indai aku) ka mayuh agi jauh ngelimpang ari jalai Tuhan...amai susah enti bala ka disayau kitai bedau ngelala Tuhan.

Ari sharing, diak bala kami lebih rapat ngau pangan diri...lalu nemu gik masalah pengidup sida ya. Arap Tuhan muka ka jalai sida ya dalam menginjil bala menyadi sida ya...Amen